Dimensional Cloth: Sculpture by Contemporary Textile Artists

Sculpture is no longer limited to materials like stone or metal. Sculpting in fabric is shown in ingenious detail here, with more than 350 lavish photographs of 3-D cloth configurations along with insightful profiles of the 78 artists who created them. The images and text capture the currents that are powering these works, like the do-it-yourself (DIY) movement established in the 1990s and the current revival of the revolutionary sculptural cloth of the 1960s. Works are approached through five themes: investigating nature, capturing the ephemeral, playing with space, telling a story, and “Take Heed.” In her foreword, renowned fiber art expert Josephine Stealey helps us put this art form in context, from its origins in 1880 England’s arts and craft movement to today. This is essential reading and inspiration for collectors, students, home artists, and anyone who appreciates innovative artwork.

“If you don’t know what people are doing with fiber, this book will be your doorway to a new world. If you do, you’ll be studying each photo and asking, Hmmm . . . how did she do that?”

– Janet Russell, award-winning basket maker

“A luscious range of processes, materials, textures, and subjects . . . which compel you to look again and again.”

– Adrienne Sloan, fiber artist and writer

“A happy combination of overview and fine detail . . .”

– Junco Sato Pollack, retired professor of textiles at Georgia State University’s EG Welch School of Art and Design

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